File a complaint
Are you not satisfied with how the municipality has treated you? For example, because you have not received an answer to a letter or e-mail? Or because an employee or administrator has been rude? Then you can submit a complaint about this person.
What you need to know
- your complaint cannot be anonymous
- your complaint can not be discriminatory
In any case, we need:
- your name and address
- your telephone number and e-mail address
- your complaint
- explanation about your complaint
- your signature
You can submit your complaint to the municipality via the online form, in writing or by e-mail.
You can send your letter to:
Municipality of Zoeterwoude
PO box 34
2380 AA Zoeterwoude
What happens with your complaint
- the municipality assesses your complaint confidentially
- you may have to explain your complaint verbally
- you will be notified of the decision regarding your complaint
Disagree with the handling of your complaint
Do you disagree with the decision or with the way your complaint has been handled? Then you can contact the National Ombudsman.
When you disagree with a decision of the municipality
Then you cannot submit a complaint. You can, however, object or appeal.
Neighborhood Complaint
Do you have a complaint or tip about your neighbourhood? Is the lighting in your street broken? Troubled by illegal dumping of waste, a clogged sewerage or loose paving stone? Call us on 071-580 6300.